As building owners, operators, and developers adapt to a hybrid work model, creating a welcoming office space is more important than ever. In an article for Propmodo’s Perspectives series, ESD now Stantec Senior Acoustics Project Manager Scott Hamilton shares his views on the evolution of the open office and why acoustics play such a critical role to the health, comfort, and productivity of returning workers. (Learn more about open office design.)
Several years into wellness certifications, such as WELL and fitwel, where does the industry stand?
Tim Zelany will offer his perspective during Well, well, WELL: Taking the pulse on wellness certifications hosted by the Illinois Green Alliance in Chicago on Wednesday, June 5. Zelazny and other panelists will discuss how owners are deciding which wellness certifications to pursue, benefits realized from certifications and lessons learned from completed projects. They’ll also explore the decision-making process for both investors and occupiers and where they overlap, as well as why wellness has gained momentum in the market.