Two teams from ESD now Stantec and Stantec join a total of 600 Women Build volunteers in this year’s effort by Habitat for Humanity to construct houses for Chicago women who might not otherwise be able to afford a new home. (Learn more about Habitat for Humanity Chicago’s Women Build.)
Recruiting is the lifeblood of ESD. Getting the best new hires will determine our success in the future.
That’s why five team members – Nina Townley, Asali Locke-Ellison, Kim Freedlund, Marie Curatolo and Stephanie Hoeman – will all attend the Society of Women Engineers WE19 conference in Anaheim from Nov. 7-9. Not only will our team – who are experts in recruiting, mechanical engineering and energy management – talk with potential hires at our booth and outside of it, they will engage with clients and gather knowledge from excellent speakers at the largest conference for women engineers in the world. Townley, who will be arriving from our San Francisco office, is on the SWE Leadership Team and serves as the secretary for the group.