As a Distinguished Lecturer for ASHRAE, Jim Vallort has delivered a number of presentations abroad, including in Brazil and Thailand last year. He is one of 70 or so speakers that ASHRAE sends around the world to share their knowledge.
This week, his schedule has been busier than usual. Starting on Monday, April 3 and ending Friday, April 7, he’s been giving one and sometime two presentations a day in India, traveling to Dehli, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune and Jaipur.
Boosting ESD’s renown as an international technical expert, Vallort’s talks have encompassed four topics: “Primary Heating/Cooling Plant Strategies & How to Maximize the Energy & Financial Savings;” “Achieving a Green Data Center: More than a Good Design Is Needed;” “Intelligent Buildings — Technology Is Changing What is Possible in the Built Environment” and “Building Automation System Master Planning — Take Control of Your Facility’s Future.”
Further, Vallort addressed students in Bengaluru and Jaipur on the topic “Careers in Engineering,” which shows his willingness and our commitment to give back to students across the world.
Improving Society Through the Built Environment is ESD’s mission. With world travelers such as Vallort, it becomes easier to accomplish it.